HACKS - Heating and Cooling Knowhow and Solutions

HACKS Project Heating and Cooling Knowhow and Solutions (HACKS)

Final Report is out now!

The objective of the project Heating and Cooling Knowhow and Solutions "HACKS" is to achieve market transformation for heating and cooling (HAC) appliances and improve comfort and health of European citizens.

Across the EU, almost half of all buildings have individual boilers that were installed before 1992 with efficiency of 60% or less. The expected energy savings of a speedy replacement are immense.

To achieve this goal, 17 HACKS partners in 15 countries are working together, thanks to the financial support of the European Horizon 2020 programme.

Video about the HACKS Project

Climate-smart solutions to heating and cooling in Europe

Published and produced by: WWF, Zürich (June 2020)

How to submit products for Topten

After scanning market actors, current policies and most commonly used products in each country, starting from April 2020 the HACKS partners will implement involvement campaigns to raise awareness of the economic and environmental benefits brought by good HAC products and solutions:

  • HACKS will motivate households equipped with old and inefficient devices - boilers, water heaters, air conditioners, certain types of boilers and stoves, etc. - to replace them with new super efficient equipment.
  • In each country, partners will set up dedicated online platforms to assist consumers in their purchase process. The platforms will propose: tools to to assess households' needs and provide customized information; best product lists with technical specifications; direct links to suppliers of most efficient products; and advice on how to use and maintain equipment.
  • For those households who need to improve their situation because they feel too hot, too cold, or too humid but who cannot invest in new equipment or can avoid getting equipped, HACKS will propose simple and low cost solutions. It is possible to reduce energy consumption and energy bills while improving winder and summer comfort, air quality and health conditions through the installation of shading devices, thermostats, water saving taps and showerheads, etc.

Beyond households, HACKS will target all relevant stakeholders (“multipliers”) that participate in the decision-making process of consumers by setting up strategic partnerships to facilitate the purchase of energy efficient appliances. HACKS places a strong emphasis on installers but also retailers and consumer organisations because of their proximity to consumers, their capacity to involve them and bring them guidance on energy efficient equipment.

Consumers can calculate the consumption of their single family house here at the HACKS calculator (customized for each country) and is shown efficient alternatives.

This page will be regularly updated and you can always contact us at hacks(at)topten.ch. The national platforms have been launched in April 2020.

All HACKS deliverables can be found here.

HACKS product lists on Topten.eu :


Air Conditioning Units

Single split
Multi split

Comfort Fans

To the product list

Electric Water Heaters

To the product list

Circulation Pumps

To the product list

Solid Fuel Boilers

To the product list

Local Space Heaters

To the product list

Heat Pumps

To the product list

Taps & Shower Heads

Shower Heads


To the product list
