About Us

About us

Topten is a consumer-oriented online search tool, which presents the best models in various product categories. Topten’s key selection criteria are energy efficiency and consumption, while other quality aspects like resource efficiency and health are also considered.

Global Topten

Topten sites are active in 6 European countries, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. All Topten teams search, select and present the best products of their national markets. The Topten team is coordinated by the Topten International Group, and all Topten projects follow the rules of the Topten Charter. More information on the global Topten community can be found on www.topten.info.

Topten in Europe

'HACKS', 'Topten ACT', 'ProCold' and 'Best products of Europe' are the main current Topten projects in Europe:


HACKS "Heating and Cooling Knowhow and Solutions" is a project with the objective to achieve market transformation for heating and cooling (HAC) appliances and improve comfort and health of European citizens.
Across the EU, almost half of all buildings have individual boilers that were installed before 1992 with efficiency of 60% or less. The expected energy savings of a speedy replacement are immense. To achieve this goal, 17 HACKS partners in 15 countries are working together, thanks to the financial support of the European Horizon 2020 programme.
Topten is strictly neutral and independent from manufacturers and retailers, its selection criteria are always published online. Access to all national websites on the home page of this website: www.topten.eu/hacks

Topten ACT aims at transforming the European market of energy-using products towards higher energy efficiency. Topten ACT identifies the top energy-efficient products in 16 European countries, and makes this information available to consumers and large buyers on tailored national websites. The most energy efficient models in different product categories (such as household appliances, lighting, office equipment, consumer electronics, cars) are presented with comprehensive product information based on official labels and standardized declarations. Topten works with manufacturers and thus increases both market offer and consumer demand of high energy efficiency products. Topten is strictly neutral and independent from manufacturers and retailers, its selection criteria are always published online. Access to all national websites on the home page of this website: www.topten.eu

Topten ACT is supported by the European Commission’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No. 649647), and many national organisations (energy agencies, environmental and consumer organisations, research institutes). The Topten ACT project involves 17 partners in 16 European countries. It is coordinated by ADEME (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie). Download the Topten ACT factsheet for more information on Topten.eu and the Topten network. The deliverables can be found here.
ProCold: 9 partners in 8 countries joined the project ProCold to stimulate the market for efficient commercial refrigerators with green refrigerants. 1000 stakeholders with leverage on the European market will be personally contacted and provided with tools that support them in recognising, procuring and promoting best products. ProCold has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 649293. The project runs from February 2015 to January 2018.
More info: www.topten.eu/pro-cold
Best products of Europe: The products shown on Topten.eu are the best products on the European market. This evidence on the Best Available Technology (BAT) supports policy makers, experts and researchers in their work regarding European product policy, most notably Energy Labels and Ecodesign requirements. Since 2009 Topten’s work in favour of effective policy measures is supported by the European Climate Foundation (ECF).
EuroTopten: Information about former European Topten projects

Editor of Topten.eu
Topten International Group, Zurich, Switzerland, www.topten.eu

Topten International Group - Board members

Sophie Attali, Paris, France: sophie.attali (at) topten.info

Charlotte Spörndli, Zurich, Switzerland: charlotte.spoerndli (at) topten.ch

Arturo Alatrista Corrales, Arequipa, Peru, arturo.alatrista (at) eficienciaenergetica.com.pe

Richard Scotney, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, richard.scotney (at) wwf.org.kh


All information, results, opinions and arguments employed on Topten do not necessarily reflect the official views of the partners. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission and the project partners are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.