Download full Policy Recommendations for Tumble Driers (October 2019)
Recommendations in short
The Energy Label and Ecodesign regulation for tumble driers has into force since 2012. Since November 2015 only class B tumble driers and better can be put on the market. Appliances that are in class A or better reach those efficiency levels only if they contain a heat pump. During the last years, sales of heat pump appliances avec soared. In 2016, heat pump tumble driers accounted for 52% of all sales, up from 9% in 2010. Topten calls for the ban of tumble driers that do not contain a heat pump as soon as possible because of the considerable energy savings in between technologies: A+++ driers consume 65% less energy than class B driers.
Key policy recommendations
1. No delays in the adoption of the ecodesign requirements
Even though the Energy label is planned to come into force in 2022, the Ecodesign
requirements are not expected to come into force before 2024. This means that
the minimum energy performance standards would remain unchanged for nine years.
The Ecodesign requirements should come into force in 2022 together with the
Energy Label
2.More stringent MEPS for heat pump tumble driers
Today heat pump tumble driers achieve much higher EEI values than what is foreseen in
the draft regulation (EEI of 96). The MEPS should be set according to the actual state of the market and not allow for the possibility that new products are less efficient than current ones.
3. Redefine energy label classes
The Energy label encourages the manufacturers to produce more efficient products by
allowing them to differentiate themselves thanks to its broad range of classes.
In the current setup several energy classes are empty because they will cater to
tumble driers with no heat pump. The full range of the label should be
available for the heat pump tumble driers to better differentiate themselves.
4. Strong resource efficiency requirements
The requirements should be in line with the requirements in the regulation for
washing machines and dishwashers. The list of spare parts should be extended to
include other spare parts that often fail.
- Heat pump tumble driers: New EU energy label and Ecodesign requirements in Europe, MEPS in Switzerland, initiatives in North America. Eric Bush, Diane Damino, Barbara Josephy, Christopher Granda. EEDAL 2013.
- Energy efficient heat pump dryers. European experiences and efforts in the U.S. and Canada. Rita Werle, Eric Bush, Barbara Josephy, Jürg Nipkow, Chris Cranda. EEDAL 2011.
- Promotion of energy efficient heat pump dryers. Jürg Nipkow, Eric Bush. EEDAL 2009.
Standards and Labels
09/2022 Bush, Gross